

1.提供另一第一張信用卡日本刷卡免手續費2018>旅遊平安險比較種建議【I'd rather+原形動詞】

我比較想……Would you like to see a film tonight?你今晚想看電影嗎?I'd rather go swimming. How does that sound?我比較想去游泳,你覺得如何?【I'd prefer+V-ing】我比較想……Why don't we have some Japanese food?要不我們吃日本料理?Well, I'd prefer eating Taiwanese. What do you think?嗯…我比較想吃台菜,你覺得呢?【Why don't…/Let's…/How about…】Why don't we go to a museum?要不我們去博物館?Let's go to a museum.我們去博物館吧!How about going to a museum.還是去博物館?2.換位思考【If it were up to me, I'd…】如果是發生在我身上的話……What do you think we should do?你覺得我們該怎麼辦?If it were up to me, I'd go out for dinner.如果是發生在我身上,我會去吃晚餐。【I think we should…】我想我們應該……What are we going to do today? The weather is awful!我們今天要做什麼?天氣糟透了。I think we should go to a movie.我想我們應該可以去看個電影。3.誠懇婉拒,最好再說一句感謝Would you like to come to my party tomorrow night?你明天晚上想來參加我的排隊嗎?I'm sorry, but I can't make it.抱歉,我沒辦法去。Can we view our clients' personal files?我們可以看客戶的個人資料嗎?No, I'm afraid it's against company policy.恐怕不行,這違反公司規定。Want some water?想要喝點水嗎?No, but thanks for asking.不用了,但還是謝謝。世界公民Weekly由世界公民文化中心提供(工商時報)



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